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We are dedicated to assisting you in discovering the wide range of services we offer through "Legacy Safeguard" for certain clients and Referrals:

  • Estate settlement services(Referral Available for Anyone): These services help with the legal and financial aspects of settling an individual's estate after their passing. This may include assistance with probate, distribution of assets, and filing necessary paperwork.

  •  Estate planning services(Legacy Safeguard): These services assist individuals in planning for the distribution of their assets and the management of their affairs after their passing. This may involve creating wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other legal documents to ensure their wishes are carried out.

  • Pre-arrangement services(Referral Available for Anyone): These services allow individuals to plan and pre-pay for their own funeral or memorial services in advance. This can help alleviate the burden on family members and ensure that the individual's wishes are met.

  • Legal services(Referral Available for Anyone): These services provide legal advice and assistance in matters related to the deceased, such as estate planning, probate, and inheritance issues.

  •  Financial services(Legacy Safeguard): These services help with financial matters related to the deceased, such as filing life insurance claims, accessing pension or retirement benefits, and managing any outstanding debts or financial obligations.


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